Category: propagation

Benazir Bhutto used to lecture the world press about being the first Muslim Woman to be elected into office. In a conservative Muslim society like Pakistan, that is a big statement of Democracy. Bangladesh out did her feet by electing two female Prime Ministers consecutively; again in a Muslim country, where women are alleged to be suppressed & disenfranchised by the western media & intellectuals alike. India did it with Indira Gandhi, the Brits’ with Thatcher, Canada elected Kim Campbell even Israel did it with Meir.


France the epitome & propagator of democracy trashed Segolane Royale, the only female candidate in the Presidential last year to elect a scoundrel, attention craver like Sarkozy. Now it is America’s turn to dump Hillary Clinton from her high horse of even hinting at the idea of trying to rule over ‘democracy & equality’ preaching men. Will America vote for a woman to be elected into the highest office in the WORLD? – (as claimed by the US media). I think she’ll barely get the ticket to run for the Presidential. The role of vice-president suits her like a cashmere coat, though. A dynamite character like Obama could hardly stomach the role of playing second fiddle to her.


America just like her sister, in liberty, France is still shying away from the taboo of electing a woman to the highest office. Why we wonder. The Muslims & Jews let their mothers & daughters run, despite the taboo in their scriptures. Is it that westerners are more appreciative of Women being their playthings & hardly capable of performing in such a pivotal role? There have been previous attempt of the fairer sex trying to run for President of the United States of America; all unceremoniously fell flat on their faces. I anticipate nothing less for Mrs. Clinton even with the Lewinsky lover in her pocket.


There are tremendous amounts of Hillary bashing going across the media spectrum of the US of A. The traditional foes of her party – the Republican are salivating at the prospect of her running against them to catch an easy bus to the White House, cashing in at the women hater’s club. Its looking ominous for ‘Liberty’ to be even passed the torch at the polls let alone holding it up for all to see. Their founding father’s never hatched the thought of a black man running for President but they were darn sure that a woman was highly unlikely to succeed at reaching that summit. A truly sad day for Liberty, if that is to be the case.

April 10, 2007

CARLSBAD, Calif. — On a marquee outside and on a banner inside, Pilgrim United Church of Christ proclaims, “All are welcome.” Sustained by the belief that embracing all comers is a living example of Christ’s love, Pilgrim now faces a profound test of faith.

In late January, Mark Pliska, 53, told the congregation here that he had been in prison for molesting children but that he sought a place to worship and liked the atmosphere at Pilgrim.

Mr. Pliska’s request has plunged the close-knit congregation into a painful discussion about applying faith in a difficult real-world situation. Congregants now wonder, are all truly welcome? If they are, how do you ensure the safety of children and the healing of adult survivors of sexual abuse? Can an offender who accepts Christ truly change? Continue reading

Examples are shown to me… and examples are many…sometimes i’m made to be an example of what one should not be… talk is cheap.. actions are what really counts in such example was a visitor we had.. in a house he resided here, an abode of a fellow brother of ours. the place is more like a guest house…no a.. a lair!… with a rooftopp for smoking pot and gazing at the stars, engaging in idle talk and a place to waste time & get wasted..and peeping at the neighbours that just moved in was a usual past time.

I’ll call him ‘the token white guy’. He came among us at an integral time in the history of filthy political upheaval, weddings & the chills of the minute south-asian winter season..with unbelief & criticism in his mind…always looking for a jolly good story to tell from all the travels that he has made..his cultural origins & percpective a far cry from what we, the so-called third worlders know as life to be.. he brought along with him the concept of secular thought & governance, which i vehemently oppose! i might add..he was a white man & we third worlders love to lick white ass!.. but he got very little of his hindside licked on the fourth trip that he made to Sultry Dhaka!

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